Volume 1: Gerüchte vom Recht

Gerüchte vom Recht - Vorträge und Diskussionen aus dem Berliner Seminar Recht im Kontext

Band 1: Gerüchte vom Recht

The first volume of the series “Recht im Kontext” documents lectures held as part of the Berlin Seminar Law in Context at the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin. Martin Loughlin sheds light on pathological tendencies in the science of public law. Dominique Schnapper describes the Constitutional Council of the French Republic from an insider’s perspective. Alec Stone Sweet praises constitutional pluralism and the judicial manner of dealing with fundamental rights in Europe as manifestations of a cosmopolitan legal system. Ulrich K. Preuß describes the attempt at drafting a constitution for the former GDR during the time when it was ceasing to exist, with contributions to the discussion by witnesses from that time. Petra Dobner analyzes law and politics in the economic crisis; Dieter Simon provides an account of law as rhetoric and rhetoric as law. Julia Eckert casts an anthropological eye on those rumors about law, which the authors in this volume pursue in their own unique way.

Edited by Dieter Grimm, Alexandra Kemmerer and Christoph Möllers.

2015, 268 pages, hard cover, 69,- EUR, ISBN 978-3-8487-1181-9

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